Friday, May 20, 2016

Which Is Better? Discs OR Cartridges?

Their have been many a rumors that the upcoming Nintendo NX would go back to cartridges like the old days of gaming, but which is actually better?

Which Is Better? Discs OR Cartridges? video games

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

10 Fanart Images Of Litten From Pokemon Sun & Moon

It hasn't been that long since Nintendo revealed the starters for the upcoming Pokemon Sun and Moon, so I went and looked up some fan art of these Pokemon on Deviant Art. Starting with Litten here are 10 Litten Pokemon Fanart

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Should Nintendo NX Have Multiple Versions Or An Expansion? Nintendo NX HD & 4K

nintendo nx hd and 4k

Recently I've been thinking that maybe the NX should have multiple versions for the market or even a expansion? One Idea I had was that the portable version be able to attach to the home console version to up the power of the device and allow perfect 4K at home, but I have to soot that one down as designing games for that to work would be more work then most companies would like to do, so it's down to multiple versions.

Friday, May 13, 2016

5 Things The Nintendo NX Needs To Sell

5 Things The Nintendo NX Needs To Sell

With the newest Nintendo console less than a year away (hopefully), I've decided to now list a few hopes for the upcoming console.