Friday, May 13, 2016

Top 5 Favorite Kid Icarus Uprising Chapters (reposted from my old blog)

Top 5 Kid Icarus Uprising Chapters

Kid Icarus Uprising for the 3DS is an amazing game. With great levels and some good voice acting, yes a Nintendo title with good voice acting, it’s currently my most favorite game. Now with so many great levels, called chapters, it was tough picking my top 5 favorite ones, but I managed in the end. So let's get to the countdown.

Warning, Spoiler Alert!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Top 5 Nintendo Slogans

It seems Nintendo has a new slogan “There’s No Play Like It.” And so I thought I would make a Top 5 Nintendo Slogans
mario top 5 nintendo


Change the System

 One of the slogans for the Nintendo 64, "Change The System" told you that your console was outdated and you needed a new one.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Pokemon Sun And Pokemon Moon Starters Revealed

The official Pokemon Youtube channel has just posted a video revealing the starter Pokemon for the upcoming Sun And Moon Pokemon games.

I love the kitty Pokemon Litten and will probably choose that for my starter this time.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Game Theory; Nintendo's True E3 Plan - DEVILS ADVOCATE

Game Theory; Nintendo's True E3 Plan - DEVILS ADVOCATE

Nintendo has recently revealed their plans for the upcoming big event for video games, E3. But many are shocked that the only game they have decided to show would be the Legend Of Zelda Wii U.

Now this isn't an article saying it's a lie but instead a game of devils advocate. We all know reasons why Nintendo should do a showcase at E3 but here a reasons they should not;
- Sharing the media with competitors

Since it's currently believed that Nintendo will launch the NX sometime in the first few months of 2017 Nintendo wouldn't be able to reveal everything for then at the following E3 due to it being after the supposed launch.

The answer is simple, have their own Digital Nintendo Direct after the hype for their competitors die down so they don't have to share the media.